Saturday, October 17, 2009


My midterm schedule:
Thurs. Oct 15: Cell Physiology. Alternated between really easy (If a cell was the size of this classroom, how large would the proteasome be? a) desk b) computer c) a car d) single serve milk from the coffee bar e) speck of dust) to really hard - I still am boggled by the Nernst equation.

Fri. Oct 16: Mechanisms of Pathogenicity. Two essay questions, pick two of six subjects. I chose the complement system and the role of iron in infection. Went okay, I think - except I forgot to mention the specificity of bacteria for transferrin.

Mon. Oct 19: Immunology. The big scary.

Fri. Oct 23: Animal Biotechnology. The big unknown.

Added to next week's schedule is the scholarship ceremony on Tuesday night and a guest speaker (a vet) from South Africa that, as VP of the student society, I am helping to organize on Thursday night. Oh, and a paper on habitat selection of American martens that is due on Tuesday.

So. No long and detailed blog posts for a few days - instead, please enjoy this squirrel obstacle course.


  1. Oh you've got a full schedule. Bad timing on my part but there's no rush and just enjoy because I was actually stopping by to say I’ve given you a One Lovely Blog award.


  2. Awesome squirrel video - When is the movie coming out!

    Good luck on those 'obstacle course' exams.

    A fellow Etsian,

  3. Hey Victoria! I found my way over from the comment train on MCC.

    It looks like your schedule is just about as hectic as mine! I definitely feel you, and just think about how relaxed you will be when everything is finally over!

    Oh. And the squirrel video rocks my socks :P


  4. That is too funny!! We have squirrel too - don't see them too often, the dog chases them and and run just way faster than they can! Did see one coming from the neighbors field the other day with a cob of corn bigger than he was!


... what are you thinking?