Saturday, February 27, 2010

Poladroid overload

Thank you to Astrid at Red Red Completely Red and Poladroid for an entertaining afternoon.

Friday, February 26, 2010

New and previewed

Clearly, I have discovered the verdigris finish.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

work impediments

It's amazing that I get anything done around here.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

win something lovely

I was very flattered recently to be asked if I wanted to participate in one of the coolest giveaways. The Lost Earring is hosting a mystery giveaway featuring 7 surprise items from 7 different shops, ranging from jewelry to stationery, crochet and art. I highly recommend hopping over and checking it out!

Thank you SO much to Kelly for setting up the giveaway!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Horror Story

So, this is what happened to me last weekend.

I poured a cup of coffee on my laptop. Like, right over the top of the keyboard. It's so cliche, but it was exactly like it was happening in slow-motion - I could see my clumsy arm gesticulating, the mug tipping, the wave of liquid like a tsunami over the keys. Then time caught up and I was sitting there gaping before a moment before Davis, sitting nearby, barked "gogetthepapertowel".

I can see you all cringing through my screen. I can see you compassionately stroking your own computers, whispering "I'd never do that to you, baby".

When I came back, my computer gasped and the screen went black. Davis immediately removed the battery and pulled out the RAM drives. We sponged up as much of the coffee as we could (Columbian medium roast with skim milk, no sugar) and tilted the computer up to let it drain. After half an hour, no more coffee was seeping out, but when we tried powering the computer up, all we heard were little pathetic whirring sounds.

Now what? we asked. It was 3:15 on a Sunday afternoon, so Davis got on the phone with the Apple store at the nearby mall and made an appointment for an hour later to get someone to look at my poor computer.

"It turned off by itself?" the Apple genius asked. "Oh. That's not good."

He did, however proclaim my hard drive undamaged, and plugged it into his own computer so I could transfer some documents onto a USB key I'd brought.

"I don't know," he said. "All I can tell you is to let it dry out for a week and try again, but I'm not optimistic. This model of laptop has been reduced by $200 though, if it doesn't work out."

"But how much liquid damage is there?" I asked. "Can you just open it up and tell me if you think it's salvageable, so I don't have to wait that long?"

"Sure," he said. "It'll be $147 to open the case."

Davis drove me and my broken laptop home. "I can't believe they just won't fix it," I complained. "What did I pay $250 for Apple Care for anyway? Only their mistakes are covered?"

"Yes," Davis said. "Apple Care doesn't cover consumer stupidity."

"So what's the plan then?"

"We'll open up the case," Davis decided, "and put the laptop in the dryer."

And that is what we did. On a shoe rack. On air cycle. For 8 hours.

Computer guts:

Creative use of jewelry mailing boxes:

Schematic of screws removed:

And the verdict?


I can't believe how lucky I was. Lucky that Davis is quick-acting in taking out the battery as soon as it happened and thought to put the computer in the dryer. Lucky that my logic board isn't fried, which would cost as much as a new computer to replace. Lucky that we both had the guts to pry open my computer, although it was worth the risk anyway.

I love you, MacBook. You were too young to go so soon. I am glad that you'll live to see another day to blog with me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We apologize for the delay...

... in new blog posts.

Between a wacky week at school and a weekend crisis, the blogging has fallen by the wayside.

But not to fear, this weekend I'll be back with the full story on last weekend's events, with moments of edge-of-your-seat tension, stomach-roiling horror, and desperate courage of in the face of adversity.

In the meantime... the lyrebird!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A message from our sponsors

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Random Hearts

Fruity cross sections - polymer 7-day earrings by Divine Sweetness

Silver bow necklace by BluHour

Morning glory ring in raspberry by Linkel Designs (I just bought one in blue!)

Sequined scarf by Luxe & Lavish (bought some for friends for Christmas! Now I want my own...)

The birds hand-tooled leather wallet by Shoot From The Hip